As I sit here on Thanksgiving morning eating pie and sipping on hot coffee in the comforts of my home, my heart strings are being pulled every which way. Joy for the life, families and freedoms the Lord has blessed us with. Shame for everything I tend to overlook in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. But mainly this morning, I think of those who's circumstances are complete opposite of mine. Specifically, I think of the children who don't have a permanent roof over their head or a family that loves unconditionally. I think about those same kids who long for exactly what I take for granted. I wonder if those littles know the love that God has for them which exceeds all else or if they have ever heard the name of Jesus. & I think of what I am called to do about something that weighs so heavily on my heart.
Sometimes it's through the circumstances that we can't understand that God works to open our heart to something we, in our selfish desire, would not have pursued otherwise. This year, he's given me a tender spirit for these orphan or unloved children. Children not birthed from me, but children who I could love as my own. I want to live with an open door to my home to those young spirits who need a little extra love and attention. I want to live a life seeking God's heart for the least. I want to live with the realization that all little ones are Christ's children first and foremost & we are called to disciple them to be warriors for His kingdom.
It's my prayer this year, that He will reveal a glimpse of what he has in store for us as a family. That he would show us his will and continue to grasp my heart in such a way that brings me to my knees in humbleness. & with that, I am thankful for the molding He does in my life & the heart for children He continues to bury deeper in my being.
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Sunday, October 20, 2013
year one.
One year ago today, I walked down the isle to my lover, my future, my husband. This year has flown by but at the same time, the times when we didn't do life together seem like a distant blur. It's been a year of growth, molding, & pure joy. Here's a few of the things being married to Cameron has taught me:
{Don't worry, guys. I'm not feeling a sappy-love-letter-kind-of-post today.}
1. We would make a horrible team on the Amazing Race.
Why? Well, simply put: I can be alittle a lot overbearing when I have a perception of how things should be done. It used to drive me crazy the way Cameron did dishes and I would often find myself questioning his method. {Bad wife moment} His gracious response: "There's more than one right way to do things, babe." What a gentle spirit that man has especially when I'm questioning him instead of being thankful for his ways of serving me. I'm far from perfect, but daily I strive to combat my natural tendency and to make strides to being a gentle, thankful and submissive wife. The wife I'm called to be.
2. I'm glad I was the one sick on our wedding day.
Rewind to exactly a year ago, and this girl was sick. Leaving the church in our "Just Married" set of wheels and going to the store to buy Saltine crackers, toasting with a plastic cup of sprite at the reception, and chugging anti nausea meds in the bathroom in between dances. {It's all rather hilarious now} Throughout all of those happenings, Cameron had a peace about him. He instantly stepped into the selfless role of husband. I mean, he even gave up any hope of eating dinner to accompany me to the outdoors to hold my hair...what guy does that with a gracious & cheerful heart? My man certainly did.
Fast forward to the one time Cameron's been sick since we got married....I did not have a servant heart like the one he displayed an hour into marriage. I found myself grumbling and annoyed that he was cutting into my time with his needs. What perspective it brought when I realized how selfish I really was/am. Although it's painful to mold my sinful being to be more like Christ, I am so thankful marriage has brought my flaws out into the open.
3. A God centered relationship is not at all what I thought.
Before we got married, I don't think we ever prayed out loud together. Not that Cam didn't try to pursue that aspect (because he did. all.the.time), it was I who was fearful and uncomfortable to come to God together in thanksgiving and prayer. Over the past year, I've learned that I don't need to write out some eloquent dialect in order to have a heartfelt script. I can come to God in the presence of my husband just as I am with all my jumbled up words, and awkward pauses of silence when I get flustered. What a blessing it's been to join with my husband and pray about our hearts desires together & be vulnerable. As much growth as we've had in this area this past year, I know that each year we will continue to grow, strongly rooted in the one who reigns forevermore.
4. I'm not a terrible cook...or at least we haven't died yet.
I never grew up cooking meals and in college my meals consisted of fast food breakfast, ramen for lunch, and a frozen meal dinner. Something told me, that diet wouldn't suffice in married life. So I had to put my big girl panties on and learn how to cook. Truthfully, I knew how all along, but doubted my abilities since it wasn't something I had spent a lot of time dissecting, studying and learning the art of the kitchen. Meal planning and cooking is a way I can serve my husband. It's my domain in our household and I love that. So much satisfaction arises when my husband raves to others about a new meal I've somehow mustered up or when I manage to get out of the grocery store for less and less each week. My heart is full in that moment. Some family favorites this year have been: Swiss Chicken, Spicy Pork Green Chili, Sausage and Spinach Stuffed Shells, & of course, the quick go to, Stir Fry. Here's to many more meals on the table for our family.
5. We will always be dating even when we are an old married couple.
One thing we have guarded is a Wednesday night date night. Time with the husband to cater to what we need that week. Sometimes it looks like a cozy night on the couch, a neighborhood stroll, chats over coffee, or some crazy fun idea we've cooked up. But the bottom line is we want to invest in our marriage and not become monotonous in our everyday routine. Especially for me, I need to feel pursued still as a woman. & he needs to feel appreciated as a man. Some of my favorite memories are the ones we created together while continue to date each other in marriage. I've never felt more loved and treasured than in this moment and I know that will continue to grow.
Being married to the man that God selected for me has been such a blessing. I can honestly say that I follow him as he follows Christ. And when one of us stumbles, the other is there to point to right back to the Creator of Heaven and Earth. We have been richly blessed in our lives together so far and give all the glory, honor and praise to Him. On to year two....!
{Don't worry, guys. I'm not feeling a sappy-love-letter-kind-of-post today.}
1. We would make a horrible team on the Amazing Race.
Why? Well, simply put: I can be a
2. I'm glad I was the one sick on our wedding day.
Rewind to exactly a year ago, and this girl was sick. Leaving the church in our "Just Married" set of wheels and going to the store to buy Saltine crackers, toasting with a plastic cup of sprite at the reception, and chugging anti nausea meds in the bathroom in between dances. {It's all rather hilarious now} Throughout all of those happenings, Cameron had a peace about him. He instantly stepped into the selfless role of husband. I mean, he even gave up any hope of eating dinner to accompany me to the outdoors to hold my hair...what guy does that with a gracious & cheerful heart? My man certainly did.
Fast forward to the one time Cameron's been sick since we got married....I did not have a servant heart like the one he displayed an hour into marriage. I found myself grumbling and annoyed that he was cutting into my time with his needs. What perspective it brought when I realized how selfish I really was/am. Although it's painful to mold my sinful being to be more like Christ, I am so thankful marriage has brought my flaws out into the open.
3. A God centered relationship is not at all what I thought.
Before we got married, I don't think we ever prayed out loud together. Not that Cam didn't try to pursue that aspect (because he did. all.the.time), it was I who was fearful and uncomfortable to come to God together in thanksgiving and prayer. Over the past year, I've learned that I don't need to write out some eloquent dialect in order to have a heartfelt script. I can come to God in the presence of my husband just as I am with all my jumbled up words, and awkward pauses of silence when I get flustered. What a blessing it's been to join with my husband and pray about our hearts desires together & be vulnerable. As much growth as we've had in this area this past year, I know that each year we will continue to grow, strongly rooted in the one who reigns forevermore.
4. I'm not a terrible cook...or at least we haven't died yet.
I never grew up cooking meals and in college my meals consisted of fast food breakfast, ramen for lunch, and a frozen meal dinner. Something told me, that diet wouldn't suffice in married life. So I had to put my big girl panties on and learn how to cook. Truthfully, I knew how all along, but doubted my abilities since it wasn't something I had spent a lot of time dissecting, studying and learning the art of the kitchen. Meal planning and cooking is a way I can serve my husband. It's my domain in our household and I love that. So much satisfaction arises when my husband raves to others about a new meal I've somehow mustered up or when I manage to get out of the grocery store for less and less each week. My heart is full in that moment. Some family favorites this year have been: Swiss Chicken, Spicy Pork Green Chili, Sausage and Spinach Stuffed Shells, & of course, the quick go to, Stir Fry. Here's to many more meals on the table for our family.
5. We will always be dating even when we are an old married couple.
One thing we have guarded is a Wednesday night date night. Time with the husband to cater to what we need that week. Sometimes it looks like a cozy night on the couch, a neighborhood stroll, chats over coffee, or some crazy fun idea we've cooked up. But the bottom line is we want to invest in our marriage and not become monotonous in our everyday routine. Especially for me, I need to feel pursued still as a woman. & he needs to feel appreciated as a man. Some of my favorite memories are the ones we created together while continue to date each other in marriage. I've never felt more loved and treasured than in this moment and I know that will continue to grow.
Being married to the man that God selected for me has been such a blessing. I can honestly say that I follow him as he follows Christ. And when one of us stumbles, the other is there to point to right back to the Creator of Heaven and Earth. We have been richly blessed in our lives together so far and give all the glory, honor and praise to Him. On to year two....!
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Oh, this week....what a whirlwind! It's no lie that I love our cozy little rental and our sweet duplex-mates who have become some of our closest friends. Doing life together in the ease and comfort of home. But, I've also always been the type who gets the bug to move, to recreate a space, to adventure to something new. I blame this on my parents for raising me in a military home where it was the norm to pick up and move every 4 years. So the urge and desire to buy a home has been racing through my soul the past few months.
Cameron and I were essentially on the same page as far as wish lists for our first home purchase with just a few minor differences. Originally, I wanted to buy in NW GR but Cameron was not sold on that idea. His ideal home consisted of being able to rent out half and live in half, much like the duplex we live in now. Whereas, I want a house we could expand in as our family grows in the years to come. We both wanted a large porch, adorned with a porch swing, that we could have chats and coffee dates on as the day turned to dusk. I dreamed of a white house that was like a modern farm house, with chippy-drippy paint, old hardware, not new but comfortable.
We had agreed to wait about another year before we seriously considered buying a house. & when that time came, we would enlist the help of my mother-in-law who is a realtor in this area. Well, last Thursday our plans changed. Just for fun, my mother-in-law emailed me a house listing that I soon came to love. So we scheduled a showing the next day and we devoted our time to praying about this possibility.
The outside has a porch that reaches from one end of the house to the other...with a porch swing. It's technically a single family house but can be split into an upstairs and downstairs unit to make it a duplex. It has character! From beautiful wood trim to built-in cabinets to old hardware-it is my perfect modern farmhouse (never mind the fact its in a neighborhood, not on a farm). & although not in GR, it's in a wonderful little town not too far away that has a great school district for kiddos later down the road. & the cherry on top: it was exactly the price range we were looking for when the time came to buy a house. Sounds grand, eh?
The house is a short sale so the waiting game has begun. We put our offer in but the reality is, we could wait all this time & in the end not get the house depending on the lending companies assessment of price.
But through our journey in life, especially together, God's provision has been so present amidst our situation and it's amazing to look back and see how He orchestrated all things to work together for our good. This situation is no different. We are praying that we get the house, but are also completely content if the Lord closes this door. For we know, his plan is better than our own and even if we think this is the perfect house, HIS perfect house for us could be completely different. We're at peace and completely at rest. {& a little impatient, I might add, to find out if we get the house}
Until we have our answer, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to dream of calling it home. Stay tuned for my less than mediocre interior design skills as I try to envision how I would decorate this house to make it our own.
Cameron and I were essentially on the same page as far as wish lists for our first home purchase with just a few minor differences. Originally, I wanted to buy in NW GR but Cameron was not sold on that idea. His ideal home consisted of being able to rent out half and live in half, much like the duplex we live in now. Whereas, I want a house we could expand in as our family grows in the years to come. We both wanted a large porch, adorned with a porch swing, that we could have chats and coffee dates on as the day turned to dusk. I dreamed of a white house that was like a modern farm house, with chippy-drippy paint, old hardware, not new but comfortable.
We had agreed to wait about another year before we seriously considered buying a house. & when that time came, we would enlist the help of my mother-in-law who is a realtor in this area. Well, last Thursday our plans changed. Just for fun, my mother-in-law emailed me a house listing that I soon came to love. So we scheduled a showing the next day and we devoted our time to praying about this possibility.
The outside has a porch that reaches from one end of the house to the other...with a porch swing. It's technically a single family house but can be split into an upstairs and downstairs unit to make it a duplex. It has character! From beautiful wood trim to built-in cabinets to old hardware-it is my perfect modern farmhouse (never mind the fact its in a neighborhood, not on a farm). & although not in GR, it's in a wonderful little town not too far away that has a great school district for kiddos later down the road. & the cherry on top: it was exactly the price range we were looking for when the time came to buy a house. Sounds grand, eh?
The house is a short sale so the waiting game has begun. We put our offer in but the reality is, we could wait all this time & in the end not get the house depending on the lending companies assessment of price.
But through our journey in life, especially together, God's provision has been so present amidst our situation and it's amazing to look back and see how He orchestrated all things to work together for our good. This situation is no different. We are praying that we get the house, but are also completely content if the Lord closes this door. For we know, his plan is better than our own and even if we think this is the perfect house, HIS perfect house for us could be completely different. We're at peace and completely at rest. {& a little impatient, I might add, to find out if we get the house}
Until we have our answer, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to dream of calling it home. Stay tuned for my less than mediocre interior design skills as I try to envision how I would decorate this house to make it our own.
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
intentional serenity.
Every house tells a story,
& every room is a chapter.
Some captivate us in a way that no other can,
A sense of perfection despite all the imperfections.
That one room that provides serenity when the rest is chaos.
Even in our quaint home that room exists.
Awkwardly shaped and small in size,
Barely big enough for an office; but the room I {dream} to be a nursery.
Dusty blue carpet and two built-in cabinets,
Only one window facing north that allows the rays to dance past.
But this room,
This room is adorned with memories.
Intentionally placed treasures.
An old desk and cabinet with scratched surfaces that show the love of all us grandkids,
What used to be my grandparents' but now dwells in my heart and home.
& for my husband, a small wooden angel from his great grandma,
For, now she is dwelling in the Lord's kingdom.
My husband's affection for me displayed as dried remnants of roses as a reminder daily.
The love. So much love.
& then there's the dress. the dress that brings a flood of memories.
All white, covered in lace, that I walked the aisle toward my future. my lover. my friend.
Fresh greenery in a tea tin,
A tea tin emptied after casual porch swing dates and cuddles.
Items that bring me back to those times grace the four walls,
After all, what is a room if life isn't displayed?
The life that we walk through daily.
Things of new and old ,
all holding a special place and telling our story.
& every room is a chapter.
Some captivate us in a way that no other can,
A sense of perfection despite all the imperfections.
That one room that provides serenity when the rest is chaos.
Even in our quaint home that room exists.
Awkwardly shaped and small in size,
Barely big enough for an office; but the room I {dream} to be a nursery.
Dusty blue carpet and two built-in cabinets,
Only one window facing north that allows the rays to dance past.
But this room,
This room is adorned with memories.
Intentionally placed treasures.
An old desk and cabinet with scratched surfaces that show the love of all us grandkids,
What used to be my grandparents' but now dwells in my heart and home.
& for my husband, a small wooden angel from his great grandma,
For, now she is dwelling in the Lord's kingdom.
My husband's affection for me displayed as dried remnants of roses as a reminder daily.
The love. So much love.
& then there's the dress. the dress that brings a flood of memories.
All white, covered in lace, that I walked the aisle toward my future. my lover. my friend.
Fresh greenery in a tea tin,
A tea tin emptied after casual porch swing dates and cuddles.
Items that bring me back to those times grace the four walls,
After all, what is a room if life isn't displayed?
The life that we walk through daily.
Things of new and old ,
all holding a special place and telling our story.

Sunday, August 11, 2013
A long weekend to adventure in the wilderness; miles from home with no perception of what would lie ahead,
Down two tracks and winding roads, through the forest and past wildlife, the campsite getting near.
We put the truck in park & walked down a steep incline to set eyes on our destination.
Pure simplicity, yet so much beauty.
One little clearing made perfectly for our shelter, far enough away from our source of heat and wilderness stove.
Tall pine trees that oozed with sap with the occasional birch scattered amongst,
& peaking from behind the wooded area and over the cliff, a sparkling pond with a steady current.
Chilly mornings, perfect afternoons, and mosquito filled evenings,
The days crawled by.
Time, nothing but time--to sit. do nothing. bask in God's creation.
129 book pages read, short naps, chapters of the Bible studied & quality chats with my love.
In between, the frequent clanging of pans to keep the bears at a distance.
I admired and gazed at my husband as he worked effortlessly to provide.
Chopping wood, attending the fire, cooking meals.
Surrounded by nothing but the beauty of God's creation, yet he was what caught my attention.
His work jeans sagging ever so slightly, biceps bulging with every swing of the axe.
Those sparling blue eyes and sweet cuddles around the fire. The married life.
With a new perspective, we journey on home.
To a bed that no longer seems as hard,
A life that needs to be weeded of distractions.
New understandings of our marriage,
& an appreciation of what we have {especially bathrooms and coffee}.
With a thankful heart. A renewed spirit.
We welcome back the idea of [home] in good ol' grand rapids.

Saturday, August 3, 2013
seperate agendas.
Cameron's alarm started its cadence at 3:30am today; too early on a Saturday. I'm sure he gave me a gentle kiss before departing, but my sleepy memory is hazy. To the fishing tournament he went for the rest of this peaceful Saturday.
I typically dread days in which my better half will not be around. I need him by my side; to partake in the joys of my day; to just be there. That's always how its been ever since we met. I want to spend every moment with my best friend. my lover. But today, I welcome today. To be quiet and march to the beat of what my heart desires today. & I know he needs the very same thing; a rejuvenating Saturday.
As he's cultivating the relationship with his father out on the big lake, what am I going to be doing?
Planning for our upcoming survival mode camping trip, grocery shopping & creating in the kitchen, reorganizing, swinging on the porch with the pup & to end it all, a nice bubble bath with a book and glass of wine in hand. Ah, rest.
What a beautiful day that the Lord has made. I will REJOICE and be glad in it.
I typically dread days in which my better half will not be around. I need him by my side; to partake in the joys of my day; to just be there. That's always how its been ever since we met. I want to spend every moment with my best friend. my lover. But today, I welcome today. To be quiet and march to the beat of what my heart desires today. & I know he needs the very same thing; a rejuvenating Saturday.
As he's cultivating the relationship with his father out on the big lake, what am I going to be doing?
Planning for our upcoming survival mode camping trip, grocery shopping & creating in the kitchen, reorganizing, swinging on the porch with the pup & to end it all, a nice bubble bath with a book and glass of wine in hand. Ah, rest.
What a beautiful day that the Lord has made. I will REJOICE and be glad in it.
Sunday, July 21, 2013
because we should serve.
Isn't it funny how we can know something but it doesn't seem to click until later? For instance, I know the way my husband receives love is in acts of service. I know that he feels the most at ease when the home is tidy. & I know what an impact it makes when I put effort into serving him in this way. He needs simple peace. A place to take refuge.
I can't help but feel a convinction as of lately in the manner in which I intend to show my husband love. I try so hard to make him feel loved by gifts, simple text messages of 'i love you', and together time. These are all ways that make me feel loved. It's easy to do. I've come to realize that it shouldn't be about what's easy. It should be about me stepping down to submit to my husband's needs ahead of my own selfish desires.
Although I've become much better than in years past, I still struggle with keeping a tidy home. As the week goes on, I leave things lying out of place and by the end of the week, I find myself asking Cameron if he's seen various items. Amazingly, he always seems to have the answer. I never thought about why that might be until recently. Perhaps he knows the whereabouts of all my misplaced things because he notices them. Because secretly they bother him but he's too kind to say. What a hard truth that is to swallow especially for a people pleaser like myself.
I desire to change my habits in order to have peace in the home for the man who serves me constantly. Making small changes that will have a large impact. It's quite apparent when I do go out of my way to love my husband, the fruit that it brings to our marriage. He can fully relax when the dishes are done and the laundry is folded. He is able to truly savor our time together. He is proud to call me his wife. He's more apt to take part in my spontaneous fun...even when it makes a mess. We are one, working as a team.
As I enter into this role of serving more frequently, I need the constant reminder that I am serving the Lord by serving my husband. What a perspective that gives.
Friday, July 19, 2013
It seems that every time I get inspired to write, by the time I get the chance to just sit and be still to type out my thoughts, I have a sudden lack of inspiration. I want what I write to be full of purpose and thoughtful, stories of daily happenings to cherish, areas of growth in life....not just uninspired words to a page for the sake of blogging.
As of lately:
My biggest struggle has always been that I'm too much of a planner. I try to plan out my life in the way I see it going, gently pushing aside any thought that God's plan may be different. & when his plan turns the exact opposite way of what I envisioned....well, I find myself trying to grasp the same lesson over and over. God's plan is always greater than our own even when we don't understand.
But this time, I've been determined to really put my heart into what I know instead of getting smacked in the face time after time.
I've longed to be in the season of life that so many of those who surround me are in. I felt deserving to be where they are--{Yikes! My prideful spirit needed to go!} So I prayed. and prayed. and prayed some more. That's when God really showed up and exposed my jealousy, pride, and self entitlement but by the grace of God he instilled a renewed spirit in me. I can now rejoice with the ones around me instead of being overcome by heartbreak and saddness that they are experiencing the season in life that I want to be in. I've come to acknowledge that it is just not my time.
Instead I'm in a season of growth. A season of boldness. Learning to dig into God deeper and proclaim his love and good news to those around me. To step out of my comfort zone and expect him to show up in ways I've never experienced. To go against cultural norms in order to seek out modesty as a woman and wife. To be the strong but gentle woman that He created me to be.
What a joyful spirit he has created in me and I praise him for his mighty works in my life!
As of lately:
My biggest struggle has always been that I'm too much of a planner. I try to plan out my life in the way I see it going, gently pushing aside any thought that God's plan may be different. & when his plan turns the exact opposite way of what I envisioned....well, I find myself trying to grasp the same lesson over and over. God's plan is always greater than our own even when we don't understand.
But this time, I've been determined to really put my heart into what I know instead of getting smacked in the face time after time.
I've longed to be in the season of life that so many of those who surround me are in. I felt deserving to be where they are--{Yikes! My prideful spirit needed to go!} So I prayed. and prayed. and prayed some more. That's when God really showed up and exposed my jealousy, pride, and self entitlement but by the grace of God he instilled a renewed spirit in me. I can now rejoice with the ones around me instead of being overcome by heartbreak and saddness that they are experiencing the season in life that I want to be in. I've come to acknowledge that it is just not my time.
Instead I'm in a season of growth. A season of boldness. Learning to dig into God deeper and proclaim his love and good news to those around me. To step out of my comfort zone and expect him to show up in ways I've never experienced. To go against cultural norms in order to seek out modesty as a woman and wife. To be the strong but gentle woman that He created me to be.
What a joyful spirit he has created in me and I praise him for his mighty works in my life!
Sunday, June 16, 2013
nephew love.
This weekend has been laced with every emotion in the book...pure excitement, deep love, an aching longing, and heart-breaking sadness. What specifically brought out all these emotions? A Baby.
We met our nephew for the first time since he was born on May 12. Excitement welled up in me in the anticipation of meeting the little guy. Instead of focusing on the remaining tasks at work before the weekend, I was telling everyone about my weekend plans. Instead of cleaning up the house before we left, I was nagging Cameron to hurry up and pack because I just couldn't wait any longer. Imagine a kid on Christmas Eve night....that was me.
I thought I couldn't love children any more than I already do....until I saw my nephew.I was overcome by emotion with tears welling in my eyes as I first saw him. Until this, I had only had periodic pictures to dwell on. In that first moment, I saw all the pictures come to life as he squirmed and made sweet baby sighs. And all I could utter was "He's real."
My family let me run free, grab the reins and take care of the little guy all weekend. I proudly carried him around garage sales, we cuddled, we had chats about how much God loves him, and I got a small glimpse of who God created me to be. I was made to have a mother's heart. And here's where the aching longing comes in. I desire nothing more than to be a mom and to raise and disciple children to delight in the Lord. I long for the gift of children; for the Lord to bless our family in that way. To be able to stretch myself in a way that happens when children are brought into the picture. These desires are so deep rooted in my being that I've had to work through a sense of entitlement, jealousy of those who have babies of their own, and "Why not me, Lord?" It's by the Lord's faithfulness that I can keep pressing on in faith that his plan is greater than ours. It's an emotional journey. A struggle. & All Cameron and I can do is pray daily:
"We're ready when you are, Lord."
Sunday, May 19, 2013
The past few weeks everyone has started to awaken from their hibernation. Warm weather is finally here {hopefully to stay}. The sun rises earlier and sets later; the birds are like an alarm clock in the morning with their chirping and songs, and people are in an abundance whether that be taking a stroll, working on their lawn or purely just enjoying the warm sunshine. Ah, Spring!
Spring brought on a new set of hobbies and adventures for Cameron and I. Cameron woke up one day and stated that he thinks gardening is something he would enjoy. So, naturally he decided to give his green thumb a shot. We went to home depot and he was in his only little happy world carefully picking out seeds to plant in which he had researched. We now have snow peas, jalapenos, banana peppers, and bell peppers. I love watching him tend his potted garden, bring them inside if it's going to get too chilly and his pure excitement when the green sprouts rise from the dirt. Now me? I don't garden & I certainly don't like getting my hands dirty. But if it's what the hubby loves, I will try to cultivate that desire of his and share in his joy.
We've also become fond of walking and experiencing the areas in which surround us. Dreaming of which home we love and will someday buy {keyword: dreaming}, chatting about our bible studies and future family, basking in God's creation & the place we call home...these moments are so near and dear to my heart. What a blessing it is to do life with my best friend, husband, and such a man after God's heart.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
combatting sickness.
A nasty cold snuck up upon me in the night and I blame Michigan's tempormental weather (i.e. Sunday = huge snowflakes in the morning with gusts of wind, followed by sunshine and 50 degree weather in the afternoon). Regardless, as I sit here feeling worse each passing minute, it made me think about sickness, remedies, and natural vs. chemical substances.
Now, I have never been one to take medicines even when it was deemed necessary. I boycotted pain meds {until I could bare it no longer} when I had my tonsils removed, I will suffer with headaches instead of poppin' an ibprofen, and I won't be caught using even the simple things such as cough drops. Why is this? Simple answer. I'm stubborn. Eventually, I cave, admit defeat, and accept any medine or remedy thrown my way that is proven to make me feel better.
Lately, I've been finding out about so many natural ways to help cure the common illnesses as an alternative to pharmecutical drugs. For example, my beverage of choice tonight is elderberry tea. It's simply dried elderberries steeped in boiling water for an extended period of time. It has many beneficial properties with one being that it boosts the immune system and helps fight off colds....& it's tasty! Just what I need!
As much as I'm loving the whole natural/organic way of life, am I against medical intervention if it's not natural? Absolutely not. In fact, sudafed is my go-to drug when nasal decongestion gets the best of me. And I do realize that there are certainly more complex illnesses that do require the intervention of medical professionals and pharmecuticals. But I do find it fascinating all the natural ways to go about day-to-day living instead of opting for the synthetic man-made products.
& now, this girl is off to go have puppy cuddles and sleep.
Sunday, April 7, 2013
catch up.
It's been some time since I've been able to just sit, reflect and relax. The DeMann's have been entering an entire season of change and we're learning what our new normal is going to look like. Typically, it looks like: 6am: roll out of bed, wake Cam up, start to get ready, wake Cam up again, and then when he finally wakes up, we're learning how to dance around each other in our small cozy home in order to stay out of each other's way {mainly him trying to stay out of my way because I'm not a morning person. AT. ALL.}
So what have we been up to?
Enjoying the sunshine as of lately. Nevermind that it's only 40 degrees, I need vitamin D and so does our pup. And to mask the cold temperatures, I take my hot tea outside with me.
So what have we been up to?
Enjoying the sunshine as of lately. Nevermind that it's only 40 degrees, I need vitamin D and so does our pup. And to mask the cold temperatures, I take my hot tea outside with me.
We also traveled back to my parent's house this past weekend. I love comparing our home and my parent's home and what makes each feel like home. I find comfort in our little details in our decorations that make it unique to us as we make new memories. While my parent's house is full of family antiques and personal touches. I think my favorite is the childhood bible of my grandmother's that is displayed on the mantle.
And while we were back home, our family threw a babyshower for my brother. Books, stuffed animals, flowers, and everything blue adorned my parent's house for decorations.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
blanket fort.
Typically, I let Cameron plan date nights or we collectively decide to have a night of nothingness. This week, I was craving a cozy night at home to lounge, cuddle and just be together. The gears started turning in my head to come up with a way to keep it a low key night but to make it special so it didn't feel like just any old night. What did I come up with? A blanket fort.
I arranged to work through lunch so I could leave an hour early. This way, I had more time to discover the inner architect from my childhood before Cam came home from work. Let me just say, building blanket forts was a ton easier in my youth. Now... not so much....I literally sat and drew out blue prints of how my tent would look and how I would manage to keep it from toppling over. Luckily for me, my blanket fort building skills prevailed so I was spared any embarrassment.
Imagine Cameron's surprise when he came home from work to find our living room furniture in shambles and this fort in the spot where the love sofa typically resides. He loved it....and so did Logan, the fur child. After doing our reading and sipping on a beer, we snuggled up & camped out all.night.long.....
{.....we may or may not be camping out in our tent again tonight. it was just that great!}
I arranged to work through lunch so I could leave an hour early. This way, I had more time to discover the inner architect from my childhood before Cam came home from work. Let me just say, building blanket forts was a ton easier in my youth. Now... not so much....I literally sat and drew out blue prints of how my tent would look and how I would manage to keep it from toppling over. Luckily for me, my blanket fort building skills prevailed so I was spared any embarrassment.
Imagine Cameron's surprise when he came home from work to find our living room furniture in shambles and this fort in the spot where the love sofa typically resides. He loved it....and so did Logan, the fur child. After doing our reading and sipping on a beer, we snuggled up & camped out all.night.long.....
{.....we may or may not be camping out in our tent again tonight. it was just that great!}
{Our dog is unpredictable}
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
next chapter.
Sometimes I catch myself praying for guidance and then when the answer is revealed, I fight with God over it as if I know more than he. How silly of me? I know he is the creator, I know he does not lead his sheep astray, I know that he knew me before I was even born. This is heavy on my heart today as I turn the page to the next chapter of life.
I had just reached a place of contentment with my work environment. I quit seeking other job opportunities and I was basking in the truth that the Lord had bigger plans for me just where I was. I finally reached this point {after about 6 months} and then what do ya know...curve ball. I got a call from a company I had submitted my resume to months beforehand offering me an interview for a job that I knew nothing about and never applied for. In my mind I made up that if they couldn't do an interview that Wednesday since I was already off work, then I wouldn't interview. "How does Wednesday afternoon sound?" said the manager. Alright, Lord, fine....I'll interview.
Since I was unaware of the job duties, how was I possibly going to prepare for potential interview questions? How was I going to decipher if I was even supposed to explore the idea of a new job? Prayer. Lots and lots of prayer. Both by myself and with my husband. We prayed faithfully that God would close the door if I was supposed to stay where I was and for him to continue to give me a heart of contentment at my current employer should that be the case.
Two interviews, background check, drug test, and seven other candidates later....I got an offer for the position.
As today marks the day that I'll officially accept the offer and let my boss know of the change in jobs, I find myself mentally struggling with "But what-if I'm not done sharing the gospel here?" or "I'm letting everyone down--will they be hurt?". I feel down right guilty for abandoning my co-workers. This all translates to, "look, God, I'm glad you were there for me and guided me, but I think you made a mistake. I'm not sure my work is done, yet." WRONG. It's so easy to trust and ask for wisdom when the future is unclear, but when you better accept the answer in which is given. {major struggle for me}
I can only hope that I have planted some seeds in the non-believers at my work and that the Holy Spirit will sow those seeds. If nothing else, I pray that I have lived out the Christian life as depicted in the Bible to the best of my abilities so that those around me could see the fruits of the spirit. I have been blessed to work where I'm at and to grow as I seek to do God's will and advance his kingdom. BUT I have also been blessed to receive such a wonderful, new job opportunity and trust in the Lord that this is the right choice.
I had just reached a place of contentment with my work environment. I quit seeking other job opportunities and I was basking in the truth that the Lord had bigger plans for me just where I was. I finally reached this point {after about 6 months} and then what do ya know...curve ball. I got a call from a company I had submitted my resume to months beforehand offering me an interview for a job that I knew nothing about and never applied for. In my mind I made up that if they couldn't do an interview that Wednesday since I was already off work, then I wouldn't interview. "How does Wednesday afternoon sound?" said the manager. Alright, Lord, fine....I'll interview.
Since I was unaware of the job duties, how was I possibly going to prepare for potential interview questions? How was I going to decipher if I was even supposed to explore the idea of a new job? Prayer. Lots and lots of prayer. Both by myself and with my husband. We prayed faithfully that God would close the door if I was supposed to stay where I was and for him to continue to give me a heart of contentment at my current employer should that be the case.
Two interviews, background check, drug test, and seven other candidates later....I got an offer for the position.
As today marks the day that I'll officially accept the offer and let my boss know of the change in jobs, I find myself mentally struggling with "But what-if I'm not done sharing the gospel here?" or "I'm letting everyone down--will they be hurt?". I feel down right guilty for abandoning my co-workers. This all translates to, "look, God, I'm glad you were there for me and guided me, but I think you made a mistake. I'm not sure my work is done, yet." WRONG. It's so easy to trust and ask for wisdom when the future is unclear, but when you better accept the answer in which is given. {major struggle for me}
I can only hope that I have planted some seeds in the non-believers at my work and that the Holy Spirit will sow those seeds. If nothing else, I pray that I have lived out the Christian life as depicted in the Bible to the best of my abilities so that those around me could see the fruits of the spirit. I have been blessed to work where I'm at and to grow as I seek to do God's will and advance his kingdom. BUT I have also been blessed to receive such a wonderful, new job opportunity and trust in the Lord that this is the right choice.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Adoption has always been a subject that I heard about, but it was never present in my life. I didn't grow up in a family in which adoption was typical. I didn't have friends that had adopted. So the whole idea of falling in love with a child that was not blood related was rather foreign to me. I commended those who chose to love the mother and father-less, to take them in as their own, and provide a new future for them. It wasn't until meeting Cameron that I started to see the other side of the coin and see it all happen. You see, the heart for adoption runs in Cam's family.
This past March, my in-laws started to pursue their second adoption from Taiwan. This little girl was 11 at the time (now, 12). I was able to witness the emotional tolls that waiting to hear any news took. I listened as they started thinking of a name for this little girl. I saw the care packages that were sent to her so she could get to know the family. I saw the genuine love that this mother and father had for this little girl without ever meeting her and yet they called her theirs. How remarkable it has been to see this journey!
The time has come where they made the travel to the other side of the world to pick up their daughter. I've been following my mother in-law's blog about their adventures in Taiwan and can't help but feel pure joy that this girl is coming home. Although it is a new home filled with a new name, foreign language, culture, surroundings...she is loved by so many already! If you want to follow the story of where it all began, check it out.
Meet Callie:

This past March, my in-laws started to pursue their second adoption from Taiwan. This little girl was 11 at the time (now, 12). I was able to witness the emotional tolls that waiting to hear any news took. I listened as they started thinking of a name for this little girl. I saw the care packages that were sent to her so she could get to know the family. I saw the genuine love that this mother and father had for this little girl without ever meeting her and yet they called her theirs. How remarkable it has been to see this journey!
The time has come where they made the travel to the other side of the world to pick up their daughter. I've been following my mother in-law's blog about their adventures in Taiwan and can't help but feel pure joy that this girl is coming home. Although it is a new home filled with a new name, foreign language, culture, surroundings...she is loved by so many already! If you want to follow the story of where it all began, check it out.
Meet Callie:
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
wintery bliss
Let's be honest, I dislike snow...and the cold...and being so bundled up that I feel like a walking marshmallow. I never wanted to move to Michigan, I never wanted to go to college in Michigan, and I certainly did not want to stay here after graduating college.....that is, until I met this dashingly handsome boy. I was quickly told that if I were to marry him, the chances of moving away from west Michigan greatly plummeted to about 0%. Oh, Sacrifices.
Since I'm stuck in this continuous snow globe for about 5 months out of the year, I had to put my efforts into finding a reason why this wouldn't be completely dreadful. So, I packed away my pessimistic attitude, and this is what I've found:
I've come to love looking from inside my cozy home {see above picture} out into a whirlwind of wintery bliss.
I love going to local coffee shops to sip on a frothy latte to stay warm {Rowster has the best hands-down!}.
I love curling up in my "reading nook" in which the love sofa is surrounded on 3 sides with windows.
I love playing in the snow with Cameron, but only for a short time before I am completely chilled to the bone.
These simple things make the winters a little more bearable for my southern soul. As much as I hate to say it, Grand Rapids has become home to's where Cam and I started our journey together, full of firsts and lasts, familiar surroundings and unforgettable adventures. Although I will never rejoice over snow, I can appreciate the beauty in which it provides and know that it wouldn't be home without it.
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{Jen Doornbos Photography} |
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