Saturday, August 3, 2013

seperate agendas.

Cameron's alarm started its cadence at 3:30am today; too early on a Saturday. I'm sure he gave me a gentle kiss before departing, but my sleepy memory is hazy. To the fishing tournament he went for the rest of this peaceful Saturday. 

I typically dread days in which my better half will not be around.  I need him by my side; to partake in the joys of my day; to just be there.  That's always how its been ever since we met. I want to spend every moment with my best friend. my lover. But today, I welcome today. To be quiet and march to the beat of what my heart desires today. & I know he needs the very same thing; a rejuvenating Saturday.

As he's cultivating the relationship with his father out on the big lake, what am I going to be doing?
Planning for our upcoming survival mode camping trip, grocery shopping & creating in the kitchen, reorganizing, swinging on the porch with the pup & to end it all, a nice bubble bath with a book and glass of wine in hand. Ah, rest.

What a beautiful day that the Lord has made. I will REJOICE and be glad in it.

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