Valentine's Day....Hallmark Holiday...Whatever you want to call it...
Here's a glimpse into the past Valentine's day for Cameron and I:
Year 1:
We had just met a week (at most) prior to that. We had been "chatting" {which was laced with poor attempts of flirting}...It was 12:01am on Valentine's day and Cam text me and it read something like this...."Well now that it's officially the next day, will you be my valentine?"---completely cheesy? yep. was I completely giddy? you betcha. That was basically the extent of our cuteness for that year as I spent most of the day at the doctor's office being diagnosed with a plethora of illnesses. Real fun.
Year 2:
Well, I had high expectations for this year. We were now engaged and romantic things are always planned for Valentine's day when you're in love, right? So in my mind, I thought everyone especially my soon-to-be-husband knew this. Wrong. I kept waiting for some surprise, some event, some words of adoration...But to Cam {and most men for that matter} this was just another day for a broke college student. Finally, at about 9:32pm I spoke out in a snide sort of way "well, happy valentine's day." I was mad-- not rightfully so--but in that moment, I selfishly felt justified.
Year 3 {this year!}:
To avoid any mishaps/ communication errors like last year, I prompted Cameron by asking if we were going to be doing anything for Valentine's Day. We discussed and decided something small and under $15. Me being me, I love to give gifts--expensive ones-- so the very next day I bought Cameron a special surprise for $14.87...UNDER BUDGET. And since I'm pretty sure my hubby doesn't pick up on my faint hints throughout the year, I'm going to help him out and create a wish list:
{*Ahem* Cameron, pay close attention to the following examples}
1. Statement necklace or earrings in bright colors.
2. Mittens that are fleece lined--all others get caught on the huge rock on my left hand ;)
3. Owl Mug
4. Yummy Tea-loose leaf or harney & sons cinnamon spice
Feel free to stray from the list if you have a better idea, just thought I'd inspire you in case you were struggling!
Haha I love this :)