Sunday, May 19, 2013


The past few weeks everyone has started to awaken from their hibernation. Warm weather is finally here {hopefully to stay}. The sun rises earlier and sets later; the birds are like an alarm clock in the morning with their chirping and songs, and people are in an abundance whether that be taking a stroll, working on their lawn or purely just enjoying the warm sunshine. Ah, Spring!

Spring brought on a new set of hobbies and adventures for Cameron and I.  Cameron woke up one day and stated that he thinks gardening is something he would enjoy. So, naturally he decided to give his green thumb a shot.  We went to home depot and he was in his only little happy world carefully picking out seeds to plant in which he had researched.  We now have snow peas, jalapenos, banana peppers, and bell peppers.  I love watching him tend his potted garden, bring them inside if it's going to get too chilly and his pure excitement when the green sprouts rise from the dirt. Now me? I don't garden & I certainly don't like getting my hands dirty. But if it's what the hubby loves, I will try to cultivate that desire of his and share in his joy.

We've also become fond of walking and experiencing the areas in which surround us.  Dreaming of which home we love and will someday buy {keyword: dreaming}, chatting about our bible studies and future family, basking in God's creation & the place we call home...these moments are so near and dear to my heart.  What a blessing it is to do life with my best friend, husband, and such a man after God's heart.